Change your life, discover who you are

Feeling lost, stuck, stagnant, or disconnected?
Is it time to move towards clarity, flow, and freedom?
Katie will be your lighthouse to guide you safely home.

Change Your Life

Discover who you are

You have found yourself here because something isn’t working in your life. Getting to know yourself is the key. Where are you leaking energy, why do you behave in such ways, what’s holding you back from being the best version of yourself. It could be trauma, the trappings of the conditioned mind or old patterns that served you in the past but are no longer needed.

I will develop a unique plan for you, to create lasting change in your future. Through dialogue and inquiry, I will determine the course of action that will be most beneficial for your needs. Read about some of my tools below…

Katie Painchaud

Go In

Get Clear


Listener | Intuitive | Healer

Be curious

What is Somatic Therapy?

Old patterns can be strong and sometime make us feel stuck. This bodily approach is there to create a safe place for you to explore parts of yourself.

What are Archetypes?

Discovering your archetypes give you an understanding of who you are and guidance on who you want to become.

Why I work with Chakras?

Chakras are energies wheels that need to spin properly to create life force. Knowing how to work with them will help claiming your powers back.

What is an Energy Consultant?

A term to describe what kind of work I do. Somatic Experience, Chakras and Archetypes are self discovery tools that work with energies.

“ A natural caregiver with a sharp intellect. ”


“Katie is my go-to person for advice when I feel stuck, confused or indecisive on an issue.”

“ People are magnetized towards her energy ”


“ They seem to intuitively gravitate to her in search of wisdom and advice.”